MacWorld 1999 February
Macworld (1999-02).dmg
Serious Demos
GPSy 3.21 Distribution
Japanese (Nihongo) Localization
GPSy Language Resource
GPSy Language Resource.rsrc
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Text File
368 lines
x = value of VDOP mask
(between 0 and 99, default 4)
Designate Satellites to Use
d = PRN number of SV (1-32)
c = Y (use) or N (don’t use)
Unhealthy SV Select Group
x = Y (yes) or N (no)
Designate Satellites to Acquire
x = Y (use) or N (don’t use)
(position of x = SV PRN number)
Set Serial Port Speed
x = port A, B, or C
s = baud rate (default = 5, 9600 bps)
(0 = 300; 1 = 600; 2 = 1200; 3 = 2400
4 = 4800; 5 = 9600; 6 = 19200; 7 = 38400)
Set Site Name
x = user defined string of four characters
Session Programming Commands
xxx = PAR (general) or SET (individual)
[see manual for rest of parameters]
Save Parameters
x = Y (yes) or N (no)
RTCM Differential Control
x= Y/N or port A/B/C depending on str
Reset SCA-12/12S
<no parameters>
Data Type Mode
x = 0 geodetic data (B-File)
2 position data (C-File)
Turn Data Recording On/Off
x = Y (yes) or N (no)
Recording Interval
x.x = interval in seconds
between 0.5 and 999.5, default = 20.0
Power Off
x = OFF
1 PPS Pulse Output
xx = 1PPS period in seconds (max 60)
yyy.yyyy = offset from GPS time (msec.)
(10 nanosec. resolution)
a = R (rising) or F (falling) edge of pulse
Point Positioning Mode
x = Y (yes) or N (no)
Power Consumption
xxxxx = battery capacity in mAh
(500 - 10000)
yyy = remaining power in %
zz.z = battery voltage
Position of the Antenna
ddmm.mmmmmmm = latitude (degrees)
x = N (North) or S (South)
ddmm.mmmmmmm = longitude
y = E (East) or W (West)
sxxxxx.xx = altitude (s=+/-, xxx = meters)
Position Mode
x = 0 - min. of 4 SVs needed (3D)
1 - min. of 3 SVs needed (3D/2D; default)
2 - min. of 3 SVs needed (2D always)
3 - min of 3 SVs needed (2D/3D)
Photogrammetery File Commands
x = D (delete)
Set Photogrammetry Edge
x = R (photo rising edge; default)
F (falling edge)
Elevation Mask for Position Calculation
x = SV elevation mask (degrees)
(x between 0 and 90; default = 5)
x = value of PDOP mask
(between 0 and 99, default 4)
Request Current Receiver Parameters
<no parameters>
Set NMEA/Raw Data Messages
str = data message type (or ALL off)
x = port A, B, or C
y = ON or OFF
Set Minimum Satellites
x = min # of satellites for data collection
x is between 1 and 9 (default 3)
Loop Tracking
x = 0 - 10 (ratio; default = 1)
y = 1, 2, 3 (carrier loop selection; default = 2)
z = 1, 2, 3 (code loop selection; default = 1)
Longitude of Antenna Position
ddmm.mmmmmmm = longitude (degrees)
x = E (East) or W (West)
Latitude of Antenna Position
ddmm.mmmmmmm = latitude (degrees)
x = N (North) or S (South)
Include Ionospheric Model
x = Y (include) or N (exclude)
x = value of HDOP mask
(between 0 and 99, default 4)
Altitude Hold Fix Mode
x = 0 - most recent antenna altitude
calculated or entered used (default)
1 - most recently entered altitude used
Close or Delete File
x = C (Close) or D (Delete)
y = file number (not needed for ‘C’)
Epochs to Go
x = epochs to go (0 to 999)
Elevation Mask for Data Collection
x = SV elevation mask (degrees)
(x between 0 and 90; default = 5)
Daisy Chain
x = source port (or OFF)
y = destination port (or OFF)
Store String
s = string (maximum of 80 chars)
Clear external memory
<no parameters>
Antenna Height
x.xxxx = height in meters
(max = 6.4000)
Altitude of Antenna, Altitude Hold Fix
s = + or -
xxxxx.xx = 0 to 99999.99
Ellipsoidal Height of Antenna (meters)
Set SCA-12/12S Parameters
xxx = message type
<data items> = parameters
Request SV Status
<no parameters>
Session Programming Parameters
<no parameters>
Request Satellite Tracking Status
<no parameters>
Request Differential Mode Parameters and Status
<no parameters>
Request Receiver ID
<no parameters>
Show Raw Data Parameters
<no parameters>
Display Baud Rate
<no parameters>
1 PPS Output Mode
x = port A, B, or C
Query Battery Condition
x = port A, B, or C
Query Photogrammetry Edge
x = port A, B, or C
Request Current Receiver Parameters
<no parameters>
Memory Test Status
<no parameters>
Query Loop Tracking
x = port A, B, or C
File Directory
x = port A, B, or C
Query SCA-12/12S
xxx = message type
<data items> = parameters
<ashtec header>
Output Sentence Enable/Disable
<1> Target sentence description
<2> Target sentence mode
2=disable all
3=enable all (except GPALM)
Request Current Sensor Config. Defaults
<no params>
Sensor Config.
<1> Fix (A=Auto/2=2D/3=3D)
<2> Alt.
<3> Datum (user=96)
<4> User SMA <5> IFA
<6> DxECC <7> DyECC <8> DzECC
<9> Diff. (A=auto/D=diff)
<10> bps (1=1200/2=2400/3=4800/4=9600)
<11> Vel. filter (0=no/1=auto/2=t)
<12> PPS (2=1hz)
Request Current PGRMI Defaults
<no params>
Sensor Initialization Information
<1> Latitude (ddmm.mmm)
<2> N/S
<3> Longitude (dddmm.mmm)
<4> E/W
<5> Current UTC Date (ddmmyy)
<6> Current UTC Time (hhmmss)
<7> Receiver command
A=Auto Locate; R=Unit Reset
Almanac Information
<1> Total # sent. <9> ROA
<2> Curr. # <10> RSMA
<3> Satellite PRN <11> Omega
<4> GPS week # <12> LAN
<5> SV health <13> MA
<6> Eccentricity <14> af0
<7> Ref. time <15> af1
<8> Inclination
<Garmin GPS20 Header>
Rockwell/Tripmate Output mode
str = NMEA message [GGA,GSA,GSV,ZCH,RMC]
x = A (on) or V (off)
T = T (time output)
z = output time in seconds
0 = unknown variable
Initialize DeLorme Tripmate
<no parameters>
<Tripmate Header>
Dial Modem/Remote GPS
xxx-xxxx = phone number
Change to ATDP for pulse phones.
Note that most modems need an "AT<cr>" string alone to initialize to the proper bps rate. Send "ATZ<cr>" to reset modem; "ATH<cr>" to hang up line.
Starlink Differential GPS Control Message
x = Frequency
y = bit rate
z = Request Type (J= status;
K = configuration; blank = tuning)
<Custom GPS command>